General Information

Displaying 1 treatments.

General Information | Bariatric Surgery

What is Obesity Surgery

An effective way of losing weight and resolving obesity-related health problems Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body to the extent that it adversely affects health. If the amount of body’s fat is more than normal, the person is obese. The normal amount of body’s fat varies with age and gender. The body fat increases with age in both men and women. Obesity is a chronic disease. When deciding a person is obese or not, first of all, body mass index (BMI) is calculated in line with the criteria determined by the World Health Organization. Body mass index is obtained by dividing your weight (kg) by the square of your height (in meters) (kg/m2).

  • Normal Weight

BMI : 18.50 – 24.99 kg/m2

  • Overweight

BMI : 25.00 – 29.99 kg/m2

  • Obesity, Stage I

BMI : 30.00 – 34.99 kg/m2

  • Severe Obesity, Stage II

BMI : 35.00 – 39.99 kg/m2

  • Morbid Obezity, Stage III

BMI : ≥40.00 kg/m2

What are the treatment methods of obesity?

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Behavior modification therapy
  • Medical treatment (pills that impair fat absorption or satiety injections)
  • Endoscopic interventions (stomach botox, gastric balloon, endoscopic gastric plication, etc.)
  • Surgical treatment

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Obesity is a chronic disease and negatively affects all organs and causes other health problems. Bariatric surgery is the surgical treatment of obesity. Bariatric surgery is a variety of surgeries that help you lose weight by making changes to your digestive system. If obesity cannot be treated with other methods other than surgery, surgical treatment is considered. On the other hand, the most effective method is surgery.

Who Can Have Bariatric Surgery?

  • Patients with BMI≥40 kg/m2
  • Patients with BMI≥35 kg/m2 and at least one health problem caused by obesity
  • Patients with BMI of 30-34.9 kg/m2 and type 2 diabetes that cannot be controlled by medical treatment

Make an Appointment

  • We will send you a confirmation within 24 hours. More information ? Call +90-242–212-1919

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