
Bichat bags or balls are two well-defined clusters of fatty tissue, located in the each cheek, just below the cheekbones and directly related to the buccinator muscle. They have no specific function other than to give volume to the area and can be very different sizes depending on the characteristics of each individual. In childhood these fat deposits generally have greater volume, creating the typical filled-out rounded oval facial outline of a baby or child.

Over the years, this fatty tissue usually begins to shrink slowly. However, the decrease in volume varies in degree from person to person.

Generally in people who have more rounded facial contours, with prominent cheeks and poorly defined cheekbones, these Bichat bags or balls do not atrophy, leaving them undesirably large. Bichectomy counteracts this phenomenon and is a good option for this patient group.

After The Procedure

Recovery is rapid with little discomfort. The patient may experience light inflammation in the inner area of the cheeks and minimal pain when eating or chewing during the first few days after surgery. In rare occasions ecchymosis, or bruising, may appear in the lower area of the cheeks. Therefore, application of ice to the area is recommended during the first two days. Patients should stick to a plain diet and avoid any vigorous physical activity that is likely to cause a rise in temperature or exposure to the sun (such as jogging) for the first week. Medication such as analgesics, antiinflammatories, antibiotics or a gastric protector may be prescribed during the first week.

The stitches will usually come out on their own.


Bichectomy usually succeeds in reducing cheek volume, making the cheekbones and jaw line more prominent and improving facial contours, slimming the face and bringing more harmony to the facial features.

Those undergoing this procedure quickly appear noticeably thinner with greater definition to their face.

Who makes a good candidate for bichectomy?

Any adult in good health who is not happy with the bulging effect of their cheeks, and who seeks more definition, harmony and beauty in their facial features.

The surgeon should evaluate each individual case, providing detailed information and a quote.


Resection of Bichat bags or balls, Bichectomy or Buccal fat pad removal, as it is known technically, is a surgical procedure suitable for both men and women, used to withdraw part or all of this fatty tissue. It is removed permanently via a small 1-1.5cm incision in the mucous membrane of the mouth (inside of each cheek), leaving no visible scars and causing minimal discomfort to the patient. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis under local anaesthetic (it can also be undertaken alongside other plastic surgery procedures).

The surgery is not painful while it is being carried out, nor afterwards; it does not preclude you from carrying out your day-to-day activities or work; it is safe, with a very low risk of complications. The results can be seen from the first week after surgery and are permanent.

Bichectomy Procedure

Bichat bags or balls are two well-defined clusters of fatty tissue, located in the each cheek, just below the cheekbones and directly related to the buccinator muscle. They have no specific function other than to give volume to the area and can be very different sizes depending on the characteristics of each individual. In childhood these fat deposits generally have greater volume, creating the typical filled-out rounded oval facial outline of a baby or child.

Over the years, this fatty tissue usually begins to shrink slowly. However, the decrease in volume varies in degree from person to person.

Generally in people who have more rounded facial contours, with prominent cheeks and poorly defined cheekbones, these Bichat bags or balls do not atrophy, leaving them undesirably large. Bichectomy counteracts this phenomenon and is a good option for this patient group.

After The Procedure

Recovery is rapid with little discomfort. The patient may experience light inflammation in the inner area of the cheeks and minimal pain when eating or chewing during the first few days after surgery. In rare occasions ecchymosis, or bruising, may appear in the lower area of the cheeks. Therefore, application of ice to the area is recommended during the first two days. Patients should stick to a plain diet and avoid any vigorous physical activity that is likely to cause a rise in temperature or exposure to the sun (such as jogging) for the first week. Medication such as analgesics, antiinflammatories, antibiotics or a gastric protector may be prescribed during the first week.

The stitches will usually come out on their own.


Bichectomy usually succeeds in reducing cheek volume, making the cheekbones and jaw line more prominent and improving facial contours, slimming the face and bringing more harmony to the facial features.

Those undergoing this procedure quickly appear noticeably thinner with greater definition to their face.

Who makes a good candidate for bichectomy?

Any adult in good health who is not happy with the bulging effect of their cheeks, and who seeks more definition, harmony and beauty in their facial features.

The surgeon should evaluate each individual case, providing detailed information and a quote.


Resection of Bichat bags or balls, Bichectomy or Buccal fat pad removal, as it is known technically, is a surgical procedure suitable for both men and women, used to withdraw part or all of this fatty tissue. It is removed permanently via a small 1-1.5cm incision in the mucous membrane of the mouth (inside of each cheek), leaving no visible scars and causing minimal discomfort to the patient. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis under local anaesthetic (it can also be undertaken alongside other plastic surgery procedures).

The surgery is not painful while it is being carried out, nor afterwards; it does not preclude you from carrying out your day-to-day activities or work; it is safe, with a very low risk of complications. The results can be seen from the first week after surgery and are permanent.

Eyelid Surgery Procedure

What is blepharoplasty?

Loose skin above the eyes, tired eyes or bags under the eyes can be improved dramatically with eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery improves the appearance of your upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both.

Your surgeon will offer a total care approach to ensure a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of the eyes – resulting in a more rested, alert look.

When considering Eyelid Surgery (blepharoplasty), always look for a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with specialized training and significant experience. For the best results, choose a cosmetic surgeon who is affiliated with a major medical center, make sure to ask your doctor about his or her credentials, training and how many procedures he or she has performed.


Am I a candidate for eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)?

  • A common cosmetic procedure in patients age 30 and older, eyelid surgery, also known as an eyelid lift, is used primarily to fight the effects of aging skin. As skin ages, it gradually loses its elasticity, and this, combined with the constant pull from gravity, leads to excessive skin collecting in the upper eyelids, causing drooping of the eyelids. The primary cause of lower-lid aging is loosening of skin and the underlying muscle.
  • The best candidates for eyelid surgery are adult men and women who have healthy facial tissue and muscles and realistic goals for improving the upper and/or lower eyelids and surrounding area. If improving both upper and lower eyelids, the procedure is called an upper and lower blepharoplasty.
  • Candidates for eyelid surgery include:
  • Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for blepharoplasty
  • Individuals without serious eye conditions.
  • You should tell your cosmetic surgeon if you have any of the following medical conditions:
  • Eye disease, such as glaucoma, dry eye or a detached retina
  • Thyroid disorders, such as Graves’ disease and under or overactive thyroid
  • Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or other circulatory disorders


How do I prepare for eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)?

Preparation for your eyelid surgery includes:

  • Lab testing or a medical evaluation
  • Taking certain medications or adjusting your current medications
  • Stopping smoking well in advance of surgery
  • Avoiding taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements due to the risk of increased bleeding.


What results can I expect?

The final results of your eyelid surgery (eyelid lift) will appear within several weeks. While eyelid surgery will not stop your eyes from aging, the procedure is typically very long lasting. The effects of upper eyelid surgery can last many years to an entire lifetime, while lower eyelid surgery rarely needs to be repeated. View our eye lift before and after photos to see results from actual eyelid lift patients.

What is involved in recovery?

  • Eyelid surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. If this is the case, be certain to plan for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you at least the first night following surgery.
  • Initial healing throughout the first one to two weeks following your eyelid surgery may include:
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Irritation or dry eyes
  • Irritation at the incision sites.
  • It is important that you practice careful sun protection, including using darkly tinted sunglasses until the healing process is fully complete.


How is eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) performed?

Eyelid surgery can involve the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both eyelids depending upon the goals of the surgery and recommendations of your surgeon:

Upper eyelid surgery

involves the placement of incisions in the natural crease of the upper lid, making them well hidden when the eyes are open. The excess skin and protruding fat are removed and the incision is closed. An entire upper eyelid surgery can be completed in approximately 45 minutes to one hour. Your surgeon may combine upper eyelid surgery with an eyebrow lift to achieve optimal rejuvenation results if the eyebrows are too low.

Lower eyelid surgery

can correct conditions with an incision just below the lower lash line. Excess skin in the lower eyelid is removed through this incision. Your surgeon may also use an incision hidden inside the lower eyelid, or a transconjunctival incision, as an alternative technique to correct lower eyelid conditions and redistribute or remove excess fat.

If the transconjunctival approach is used, there is no visible incision. If the lower eyelids are lax, as they are in many middle-aged individuals, your surgeon may recommend tightening the lower lids in addition to removing skin and/or fat (canthopexy or canthoplasty).

Eyelid surgery usually takes about two hours to complete if both upper and lower eyelids are completed at the same time. Typically, a local anesthesia is combined with conscious sedation (also known as “twilight sleep”).

Is eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) safe?

All surgical procedures carry some risk. Although rare, possible complications from eyelid surgery include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Dry eyes
  • Abnormal discoloration of the skin of the eyelids
  • An inability to fully close the eyes
  • Eyelid skin that folds in or out abnormally
  • A pulled down lower lid lash line
  • Possible loss of vision (extremely rare).

Facelift Procedure



A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, improves the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. As you age, the skin and soft tissues of your face lose their elasticity and gravity begins to show its unwelcome effects.

Deep lines below the lower eyelid (the tear trough) and between the nose and mouth (nasolabial fold) as well as sagging skin can create a tired, older appearance. There are many types of facelift procedures and complimentary cosmetic techniques for both men and women, resulting in a younger, more vibrant look.

When considering a facelift (rhytidectomy), always look for a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with specialized training and significant experience.


How is a face lift performed?

Face lift techniques range from simple, minimally invasive approaches completed through incisions in front of the ear, to the more extensive face and neck lift procedures.

Most modern face lift techniques address not only the skin, but also tighten the underlying soft tissue called the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system).

Traditional Face Lift

The traditional (lower) face lift corrects the midface, jowls and neck, allowing excess skin to be removed. The traditional approach is performed by making an incision that runs in front of and behind the ear. Both the skin and underlying tissue (SMAS) is tightened, and excess skin and fat from the lower face and neck are removed. Traditional face lift surgery takes approximately four hours and several weeks for recovery.


The SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) lift builds on the traditional face lift by elevating the skin, as well as deeper tissues of the face and neck (also known as the SMAS). Through an incision in front of the ear, the cosmetic surgeon raises the SMAS and tightens it. The skin is then also tightened. The SMAS procedure takes a number of hours to perform.

There are a number of SMAS face lift approaches (detailed below). Although the technical aspects of each SMAS approach vary, the basic concept is to tighten the skin’s deep tissues that are responsible for facial expression by both enhancing the longevity of the result and maximizing quality of the scar.

A full consultation with your cosmetic surgeon will help determine the face lift procedure that is best for you.

Are there different types of face lift procedures?

Short Scar Face Lift

An alternative to traditional face lifts is the short scar face lift, which is also called the S-Lift, MACS Lift or Minimal Incision Face lift. This is a good option for someone who has minimal facial aging or is looking for a more minimally invasive face lift. This procedure limits the length of the incision behind the ear. A common incision used in a short scar face lift is an S-shaped incision (S-lift) at the temple or in front of the ear and not extending behind the ear. The MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension lift) technique uses an incision that stops at the ear lobe. Short scar face lifts are best for younger patients with mild to moderate aging.

Subperisteal Lift

This procedure tightens the deeper tissues of the face. The subperisteal lift method is done endoscopically (through a long, thin instrument that examines the interior of the face) to release the tissues off of the bony layer to elevate and reshape the face. This is the standard approach for performing an endoscopic forehead lift.

Deep Plane Face Lift

The deep plane system is a more invasive process that reshapes the whole face including the neck, brow and both upper and lower eyelids. By lifting the skin, facial tissues, muscle and fat in one continuous section, deep plane lifts can treat more of the face area. While this procedure can accomplish more, it is more invasive than the traditional or SMAS approach and can take more time for recovery.

Mid-face Lift

The mid-face lift, also known as the cheek lift, focuses on the area beginning below the eye to the lower cheek area. As the area between the lower eyelid, cheek and nasolabial fold ages, this area descends and cannot always be improved by a regular face lift procedure. The cheek lift concentrates on improving the loose skin, fat deposits and tissues of this particular area. This procedure is specifically geared toward the cheek area, and does not address the aging signs of brow, jaw line or neck.

Is a face lift safe?

All surgical procedures carry some risk. Possible risks of face lift surgery include:

  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Bleeding (hematoma)
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Correctable hair loss at the incisions
  • Facial nerve injury with weakness
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Skin loss
  • Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
  • Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die (fat necrosis)
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Pain, which may persist
  • Skin contour irregularities
  • Skin discoloration, sensitivity or swelling
  • Sutures may spontaneously surface through the skin, become visible or produce irritation that require removal
  • Unsatisfactory results, which may include asymmetry, unsatisfactory surgical scar location, unacceptable visible deformities at the ends of the incisions
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications (rare)
  • Possibility of revisional surgery


Am I a candidate for a face lift (rhytidectomy)?

If signs of aging in your face are causing you to look tired or sad, a face lift, also known as a rhytidectomy, may be right for you. By correcting skin excess in the neck, a facelift can improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

  • Sagging in the mid-face
  • Deep creases below the lower eyelids
  • Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
  • Facial fat that has fallen or is displaced, creating jowls
  • Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw (causing a “double chin” or “turkey gobbler”).

Are you interested in a minimally invasive face lift procedure?

These include Short Scar Facelift (S-Lift) and MACS Lift (Minimal Incision Facelift). Ideal candidates are patients in their 40s and 50s with minimal to moderate excess skin in the neck, jowl and mid-face. Patients who have good bone structure of the face and have lost some, but not all, skin elasticity are also good candidates for minimally invasive facelifts.

Traditional facelift procedures offer better results for older patients with neck laxity, jowling and mid-face sagging.

Candidates for facelift surgery should be in good health. Active smokers are known to be at greater risk for healing problems than non-smokers or past smokers. Details of your smoking history should be discussed with your cosmetic surgeon.

How do I prepare for a face lift?

To ensure the best results from your facelift procedure, be prepared to discuss:

  • Why you want the surgery, your expectations and desired outcome
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
  • Use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs
  • Previous surgeries

Your cosmetic surgeon may also:

Discuss the options available to you for facelift and other facial rejuvenation procedures

Examine and measure your face

Take photographs for your medical record

Discuss your facelift procedure options and recommend a course of treatment

Discuss likely outcomes of a facelift and any risks or potential complications


What results can I expect?

Post-surgery bruising and swelling lasting two to three weeks is typical following face lift surgery. You may also experience tightness, numbness and swelling for several weeks.

Results from your face lift will be long lasting, but it may take several months for swelling to fully subside and up to six months for incision lines to heal. You can help maintain your rejuvenated, more youthful appearance through life-long sun protection and a healthy lifestyle. Follow-up consultations with your cosmetic surgeon will help ensure your face lift results.

What is involved in recovery?

When your face lift procedure is completed, a bandage may be placed around your face to minimize swelling and bruising. A thin tube may be inserted to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect under the skin, which is removed the day after surgery.

Even though most patients experience very little pain, your cosmetic surgeon will prescribe pain medication. Some degree of swelling and bruising is unavoidable, and you may be instructed to use cold compresses to keep swelling to a minimum. If a bandage has been placed on your face, it will be removed within one to two days.

You will be instructed to keep your head elevated when lying down, to avoid as much activity as possible, and to report any discomfort to your cosmetic surgeon. All sutures are usually removed within five to ten days following surgery. In general, you will be recommended to avoid vigorous activity.

Face lift procedures are often performed as an outpatient or with a one-night stay at hospital. If your face lift is completed as an outpatient, make certain you bring someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night following surgery.

Recovery from traditional face lift procedures may be lengthier than from a minimally invasive face lift. Yet, most patients return to work and ordinary activities within two to three weeks.

Otoplasty Surgery

Otoplasty surgery, cosmetic ear surgery can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. It can correct a defect in the ear structure that is present at birth, such as overly large ears or protruding ears, and can also treat ear shape that becomes more noticeable with development or misshapen ears caused by injury.

Your surgeon will perform ear surgery techniques that create a natural shape, while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face. Correction of even minor deformities can improve appearance and boost self-esteem.

Why Choose Us

When considering cosmetic ear surgery, always look for a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with specialized training and significant experience. Make sure to ask your cosmetic surgeon about his or her credentials, training and how many procedures he or she has performed.


Am I candidate for cosmetic ear surgery (otoplasty)?

Cosmetic ear surgery is a highly individualized procedure, with the best results achieved through a thorough consultation with your cosmetic surgeon. Your surgeon will be able to recommend the best cosmetic ear surgery approach for you or your child’s needs.

Children who are good candidates for cosmetic ear surgery include those who are:

  • Healthy, without a life-threatening illness or untreated chronic ear infections
  • Typically five years of age or older, when a child’s ear cartilage is stable enough for correction
  • Cooperative and follow instructions well
  • Able to communicate their feelings
  • Teenagers and adults who are good candidates for cosmetic ear surgery include:
  • Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing


Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for ear surgery


How do I prepare for cosmetic ear surgery (otoplasty)?

  • Face lift techniques range from simple, minimally invasive approaches completed through incisions in front of the ear, to the more extensive face and neck lift procedures.
  • Most modern face lift techniques address not only the skin, but also tighten the underlying soft tissue called the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system).
  • Preparing for your cosmetic ear surgery procedure at a Mediface Clinic may include:
  • Lab testing or a medical evaluation
  • Taking certain medications or adjusting your current medications
  • Stopping smoking well in advance of surgery
  • Avoiding aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements due to increased risk of bleeding

How is cosmetic ear surgery (otoplasty) performed?

Cosmetic ear surgery is performed through an incision in the back of the ear that allows the plastic surgeon to remove cartilage until the ear can be bent back toward the head. Permanent stitches may be used to help keep the ear in place.

Another technique involves simply folding the cartilage onto itself to bring the ear closer to the head.

Cosmetic ear surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia is recommended for young children. For older children or adults, a local anesthesia with sedation may be used.

What are the different types of cosmetic ear surgery (otoplasty)?

Correction of protruding ears uses surgical techniques to create or increase the antihelical fold (just inside the rim of the ear) and to reduce enlarged conchal cartilage (the largest and deepest concavity of the external ear).

Your surgeon will use external stitches to close the incision. Each cosmetic ear surgery is individualized, with our experts taking care to offer the most natural-looking results.

Is cosmetic ear surgery (otoplasty) safe?

All surgical procedures carry some risk. Possible complications from cosmetic ear surgery include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring (minimal and generally not visible)
  • Numbness (temporary)
  • Asymmetry or mismatched ears (rare)


What results can I expect?

Post-surgery bruising and swelling lasting two to three weeks is typical following face lift surgery. You may also experience tightness, numbness and swelling for several weeks.

Results from your face lift will be long lasting, but it may take several months for swelling to fully subside and up to six months for incision lines to heal. You can help maintain your rejuvenated, more youthful appearance through life-long sun protection and a healthy lifestyle. Follow-up consultations with your cosmetic surgeon will help ensure your face lift results.

Cosmetic ear surgery can dramatically change your appearance. The results from cosmetic ear surgery are immediate and usually long lasting. Follow-up with your surgeon is important to maintaining your results. View our cosmetic ear surgery before and after photos to see results from actual patients.

What is involved in recovery?

Cosmetic ear surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. A dressing is placed over the ear for a week to help reduce the normal swelling that occurs in the ear for a few days following surgery, with pain being minimal and easily relieved with medication.

Most adults return to work about five days following cosmetic ear surgery. Children can return to school after about a week, but they must limit their activities until they are fully healed from surgery.

Rhinoplasty Surgery Procedure

What are the different types of cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

Cosmetic nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, can improve the appearance and proportion of your nose – enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence. Cosmetic nose surgery may also improve a breathing problem or correct abnormalities caused by trauma or a birth defect, and the procedure can change your nose’s overall size, tip, bridge and nostrils.


How is cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) performed?

To reshape the nose, surgery is performed either using a closed procedure, where incisions are hidden inside the nose, or an open procedure, where an incision is made across the columella, or the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. The rest of the incision is similar to the closed technique. Through these incisions, the soft tissues that cover the nose are gently raised, allowing access to reshape the structure of the nose.

Cosmetic nose surgery can reduce or enlarge nasal structures with the use of cartilage grafted from other areas of your body. Typically, pieces of cartilage from the septum (the division in the middle of the nose) are used for this reason. Occasionally, a piece of cartilage from the ear and, rarely, a section of rib cartilage can be used for revision rhinoplasty surgery.

If your nose’s septum is deviated, it can be straightened and the projections inside the nose reduced to improve breathing. Once the underlying structure of the nose is sculpted to the desired shape, nasal skin and tissue is redraped and incisions are closed. Additional incisions may be placed in the natural creases of the nostrils to alter their size.

Your cosmetic surgeon may place splints and internal tubes to support the nose as it begins to heal for a week following surgery if the septum is operated on. Cosmetic nose surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete, although it may take longer based on the procedure being completed.

What are the different types of cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

The two primary types of rhinoplasty include “open” and “closed,” though there are other types of cosmetic nose surgery:

Open Rhinoplasty is used for major nose reshaping. Incisions are made in the vertical strip of skin separating the nostrils, called the columella. The skin and soft tissue are then lifted off the underlying structures of the nose so the surgeon can see the nasal anatomy.

Closed Rhinoplasty is used for minor nose reshaping. Incisions can be made within the nose. The skin of the nose is then separated from the bone and cartilage, which form its supporting framework. Once exposed, bone and cartilage can be removed, reshaped, augmented or rearranged to achieve the desired new shape.

Secondary Rhinoplasty. Also called revision rhinoplasty, this is performed to correct problems that persist or develop after a previous nose surgery. Although the problems may be minor and easily corrected, the problems may be more complex, which makes the secondary rhinoplasty more difficult. Secondary rhinoplasty can also be done as an open or closed procedure.

Filler Rhinoplasty. This involves the use of injectable fillers to “fill” depressions, smooth out sharp angles or change the angle of the tip of the nose to restore symmetry. For instance, instead of removing a bump, your surgeon would use an injectable filler to make the nose more even. While effective, injectable fillers do not offer permanent results. Learn more about Injectable Fillers.


Am I a candidate for cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

Cosmetic nose surgery is a highly individualized procedure, with the best results achieved through a thorough consultation with your cosmetic surgeon. While almost any physical change is possible through cosmetic nose surgery, a plastic surgeon will be able to recommend the best approach to achieve a balanced result based on your nose’s unique characteristics as they relate to the context of the entire face.

The best candidates for nose surgery include:

  • Individuals whose facial growth is complete; generally, surgery is performed on individuals age 18 or older
  • Individuals who are physically healthy
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of their appearance

How do I prepare for cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

Preparing for your cosmetic nose surgery may include:

  • Medical evaluation
  • Taking photos of your nose to allow for computer images to demonstrate potential post-operative results
  • Taking certain medications or adjusting your current medications
  • Stopping smoking well in advance of surgery
  • Avoiding taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements due to increased risk of bleeding


What results can I expect?

Cosmetic nose surgery can dramatically change your appearance. It is common to feel dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose immediately after surgery. At this point, the nose is still quite swollen and it may take up to a year for your new nasal contour to fully refine.

During this time, there may be gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines to a more permanent outcome. While the results of cosmetic nose surgery are permanent, the surgery won’t prevent the effects of aging.

What is involved in recovery?

Cosmetic nose surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure. Your recovery will depend on the type of procedure completed.

If the nose is being reduced in size, a splint will be used or the nose will be packed lightly with medicated gauze. An external splint may also be used as the primary support while the nose is healing. Your stitches are self-absorbing and will not need removed.

If an incision is made across the vertical strip of tissue separating the nostrils (columella), skin stitches are used and will need removed in four to seven days.

Swelling and stuffiness of the nose is common for several weeks following surgery. Most patients usually resume light activities after a few days, but it will take several weeks before the nose is completely healed to allow for full physical activity.